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Our Blog

May 15, 2024
EFT Creator, Sue Johnson Passes

Sue Johnson, the creator of Emotionally Focused Therapy passed away on April 23, 2024. Those of you who read her books or had counseling sessions based on her method of couples counseling around emotional bonding and attachment know something of the tremendous impact she had worldwide on the profession of couples counseling and couples who […]

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October 25, 2023
Why Emotionally Focused Therapy? A Reminder

This is how Sue Johnson, the developer of EFT, describes the counseling process for couples;Emotionally Focused Couple and Family Therapy is a treatment methodology that shows the best outcomes of any intervention for troubled relationships. And these outcomes appear to last! You can look on the EFT website,, for a summary of the many […]

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March 28, 2022
Moving Office

Don Sizemore & Associates are moving to Suite 103 April 1st. We will be in the same building, 698 Perimeter Dr. just down the hall from current office. Don Sizemore & Associates will be the sole occupant of this suite and Carolyn and I look forward to being in our new space.

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May 5, 2021
Our Relationship and Emotions

When couples get lost in their threat narratives, what we commonly call fights or arguments, we are being driven by emotions we do not fully understand. One of the powerful and effective results of EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) is that we become more aware of our emotional experience and how our emotions, our feelings, affect […]

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April 11, 2021
Couple’s Threat Narrative or What Happens in a Fight

A reason I write these blogs is to stay in touch with former clients and provide some kind of ongoing support. I need to be more faithful about that so here is a reminder for every couple I have seen about what arguments, conflicts, or fights are: Your partner is not “the enemy” or the […]

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December 24, 2020
Uncertainty and Light

I have not written a blog since April of this year. Something about the nature of things, the pandemic, the election, social unrest, family matters, has made me mute. I really have not had much to say, which means I have not been reflective of my life experiences and what they may signify. Maybe my […]

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April 2, 2020
Desert Spirituality

“The desert is a place of great undoing.” Ryan Kuja “The Bible abounds in references to the desert and the wilderness. Encounters with God, both directly and through prophetic voices, took place in scenes of desolation. God spoke on an empty stage, knowing how easily the sound of rivers diverted human attention.” Yi-Fu Tuan (In […]

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March 21, 2020
Invisible and Unseen Real

It is perhaps significant that our world, the entire world, is confronted with a silent, invisible enemy that can only be confronted, at this point, by social isolation. My wife Carolyn and I had dinner with friends last night, so we did not isolate; there was one child, and six adults, a total of 7 […]

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March 19, 2020
Different Practices

We want to let all our clients know that Don Sizemore & Associates is offering telehealth services in a very convenient format. We can do all our counseling and many of our OT therapeutics through this format (my wife, Carolyn is an Occupational Therapist and partner). We will be contacting those of you who are […]

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December 22, 2019
Powerful Presence, Improbable Survival

In my last post I told the story of my miraculous survival of a sudden cardiac arrest. My experience of that event once I regained consciousness is another story of experiencing the powerful presence of God. ( I know not all who read this believe in the Judeo-Christian narrative found in the Old and New […]

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